What Is Tampering?

Tampering means to interfere with something in order to cause damage or make unauthorized alterations.

Why is tampering done in supplements?

Tampering in supplements are done by people who have malicious intent and are money hungry with no moral responsibilities to themselves to curb profits.


How is tampering done in supplements?

There are many ways tampering is done to supplements, some of which are listed below –

Date Tampering in Supplements –

How its Done ?
The expiry date and batch no. mentioned on the product are used using an alcohol based agent so leaves no mark and is easily cleaned, then there can be two things done either make a fake batch no. and expiry date as per your choice while the second can be copying the batch no. and expiry of the new batch received which makes it very hard to distinguish but can be by closely looking at the font of the two side by side. These Batch No.’s and expiry are Re – printed using Handheld Inkjet Printers or screen printers in very rare cases.

Why its Done?
Tampering is done to expired products or near expiry products with an intent to rotate the supplements in the market avoiding losses related to expired products.

Who does it ?
Distributors who purchase over their capacity and bundle up loads of near expiry stock, some Delhi and Punjab based importers and parallel importers as well who are not authorized by the brand.

How not to Check if your supplement is date tampered?

If you feel that the product you have is date tampered you shouldn’t be relying on the importer label code only as these codes will be genuine as the packaging is genuine while the dates are altered without altering the product or its packaging.

How can you know if your supplement is Date Tampered?

Write to the Brand or the official importer the details of batch no. and expiry along with packaging images of the product. If the Brand reverts that the Batch no. and expiry printed are genuine and you’re still skeptical then you have the last option left of keeping a 100% genuine product along side yours and look closely for difference in font of the batch no. and expiry printed on either of them.
Do check out small packaging details between the batch no.’s because a lot of brands do tend to change it after every 6-12 months.

Or you can purchase it from Bodyfuelindia.com and save yourselves from all the hassles as we at Body Fuel do all of the above mentioned ourselves and then list the product on our website and deliver it to you with Batch no. and expiry mentioned on the GST Bill itself.

Product Tampering in supplements –

How its Done ?
There are multiple ways it can be done –

  1. Heating up the joint of the plastic foil on the outer cap of the packaging so as to unglue it and then depending upon the brand opening up the internal lid packaging filling it up with another supplement which is cheaper in price comparatively and repacking it with glue.
  2. Tearing off the outer lid covering and then depending upon the brand opening up the internal lid packaging filling it up with another supplement which is cheaper in price comparatively and packing it back with a transparent plastic foil.

Why its Done ?

  1. To allure excessive bargainers who look out and care just for the deal and not the genuinity of the product.
  2. To curb as much profit possible.
  3. To utilize dead stock/cheap stock by mixing it up in genuine/costlier stock.

Who does it ?

  1. Local Dealers
  2. Small Shop owners
  3. Distributors
  4. Trainers

How not to Check if your supplement is product tampered?

If you feel that the supplement you have is tampered you shouldn’t be relying on the importer label code only as this practice doesn’t hamper the importer label so you’ll still be able to verify the product through the importer while the product isn’t genuine.
You will tend to see improvements/ enhancements/progress in your body even after using it as the product is mixed with another cheaper product, but you aren’t getting what you actually paid for.

For example – Big Muscles whey being mixed in ON Gold Standard whey protein, a local mass gainer in Dymatize Super Mass gainer. The mixing ratio or the brands can be anything depending upon the price it is offered at. So do keep yours eyes open if the price is too good its too good to be true.

How can you know if your supplement is Product Tampered?

  1. If you have used the same product from the same batch no. and same constituents on the label earlier as well you can judge it by taste as the brands do tend to change constituents and a bit change in flavor depending upon the batch no. because of machinery issues/ improvement/ enhancement of the supplement.
  2. Lab test – Not practical as it costs over 10 thousand rupees.
  3. Have your colleagues taste it out who have been using the same product
  4. Check Closely for repacking glue on the outer cap covering
  5. Check the internal lid if it’s re-pasted/repacked or different from what the brand tends to put in.

Or you can purchase it from Bodyfuelindia.com and save yourselves from all the hassles as we at Body Fuel do all of the above mentioned ourselves and then list the product on our website and deliver it to you with Batch no. and expiry mentioned on the GST Bill itself.

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